Entrepreneurial Strategies and Innovative Strategies: systematic review, concepts, models and future investigations
Entrepreneurial strategies. Innovative strategies. Innovation. Entrepreneurship. bibliometric research. Web of Science.Resumo
The research centred on mapping an international production about entrepreneurial and innovative strategies, in the time search period from 2008 to 2018. It comprises a bibliometric research performed in the Web of Science database. By analysing such works, concepts of entrepreneurial strategy and models, types, trends and gaps related to the entrepreneurial strategy and the innovative strategy were observed. The following study trends can be emphasised: innovation, internationalisation, family companies, entrepreneurship, innovative strategies, social responsibility, environmental innovation, among others; and gaps such as the investigation on the relationship between the attributes of top management and the development of entrepreneurial strategies; the verification of a new scale in order to improve the instrument measurement between cultures; the collection of macroeconomic data in order to develop a broad model of evaluation to develop effective strategies in the current market and environmental innovation in the company’s global strategy.
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