The territoriality of cultural entrepreneurship

identity-based experience in the cultural organization of Ilê Aiyê


  • Joyce Neri dos Reis Neves Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Eduardo Davel Universidade Federal da Bahia



cultural entrepreneurship, territoriality, identity, experience, audiovisual ethnography


Studies on entrepreneurship have increasingly connected with territories such as neighborhoods, cities and countries. Despite this, discussions about the relationship between entrepreneurship and territoriality are sparse. When it comes to cultural entrepreneurship and territoriality, research studies practically do not exist. Discussing such relations is necessary, since cultural entrepreneurship requires the interaction of lived experiences and personal beliefs with an environment. Given this, it is necessary to adopt a perspective capable of understanding the particularities of the relationship between entrepreneurship and territoriality. This research aims to identify, describe, categorize and discuss the influence of territorial identity on the dynamics of cultural entrepreneurship. The research is theoretical-empirical, based on an audiovisual ethnography. The research results provide a theoretical perspective to rethink cultural entrepreneurship from the relevance of territoriality, highlighting its identity and experiential dimensions.


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